The Legal Information System of the Republic of Austria (RIS) is a web-based information system on Austrian law which is coordinated and operated by the Federal Chancellery of Austria.
The RIS was initiated in 1983 when the essential features of the system were
designed. After incorporating federal legislation, the court decisions were included as well.
Since June 1997 the RIS, which was previously only accessible to the public administration, became available to the general public online and free of charge.
The RIS does not assume liability for the correctness and completeness of the Legal Information System.
Only texts of the legal acts promulgated in the federal, state or other gazettes are relevant, be it in their electronic Federal Law Gazette since 2004, State Law Gazettes since 2014 (Carinthia, Styria, Tyrol and Vienna) and 2015 (Burgenland, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Salzburg and Vorarlberg) respectively.
The Austrian Legal Information System is solely a database of Austrian law and therefore no further legal assistance can be provided.
The individual applications are supplemented with a comprehensive collection of links to websites of Austrian federal and regional
authorities, the EU and international organizations as well as to other Internet providers of legal data (select „list of links“)
One section of the Legal Information System provides a choice of important Austrian laws translated into English.
(select „English“).
Contents of the Legal Information System
Category „Bundesrecht“ (= Federal Law)
Bundesrecht konsolidiert (= Federal law consolidated version)
This is a database of Austrian federal law. The Amendments are incorporated as soon as they are promulgated ensuring
that the database constantly maintains the most up-to-date version of the document in question (one document: 1 paragraph or 1 article or 1 annex).
In addition to current versions, previous versions dating back to the 1990s are available as well, making it possible to trace the origins and development of the legal act historically.
Bundesgesetzblatt authentisch ab 2004 (= Authentic version of the Austrian Federal Law Gazettes since 2004)
- Since 2004 the Austrian Federal Law Gazette becomes legally binding immediately after it is published in the Austrian Legal Information System (RIS).
Staats- und Bundesgesetzblatt 1945 - 2003 (= Austrian Federal Law Gazettes 1945 - 2003)
- This database contains all issues of the State Law Gazette (1945) and the Federal Law Gazettes published from 1945 to 2003.
Reichs-, Staats- und Bundesgesetzblatt 1848 – 1940 (= Imperial and Federal Law Gazettes 1848 – 1940)
- This database contains all issues of the Imperial and Federal Law Gazettes published from 1848 to 1940.
Gesetzes- und Verordnungssammlungen 1740 - 1848 (= Law Collections 1780 – 1848)
- This link points to the Austrian National Library website which offers different Collections of Law from 1780 to 1848.
Deutsches Reichsgesetzblatt 1919 - 1945 (= German Law Gazettes 1919 – 1945)
- This link points to the Austrian National Library website which offers the German Imperial Law Gazettes from 1919 to 1945.
Begutachtungsentwürfe (= Draft bills)
- This database contains draft bills of Austrian ministries.
Regierungsvorlagen (= Government bills)
- This database contains government bills of federal laws and international treaties requiring parliamentary approval.
Rechtsvorschriften in Englisch (= Austrian Laws)
- This database contains selected Austrian laws in English translation.
Category „Landesrecht“ (= State Law)
As a result of cooperation with the offices of the State (regional) governments, the laws of individual Austrian States (= Provinces) can be accessed through RIS.
The documents (one document = 1 paragraph/section or 1 article or 1 annex) are processed by the State governments and transmitted to the Federal Chancellery of Austria.
Unlike in the case of federal law, not all States have supplemented their previous versions and the availability varies from state to state.
Landesgesetzblatt authentisch (= Authentic State Law Gazettes)
This database contains all issues of the authentic State Law Gazettes of all nine Austrian States:
- Carinthia (as of 2014)
- Styria (as of 2014)
- Tyrol (as of 2014)
- Vienna (as of 2014)
- Burgenland (as of 2015)
- Lower Austria (as of 2015)
- Upper Austria (as of 2015)
- Salzburg (as of 2015)
- Vorarlberg (as of 2015)
The database is permanently updated.
Landesgesetzblatt nicht authentisch (= Not authentic State Law Gazettes)
This database contains issues of the State Law Gazettes of the Austrian States that are not legally binding as follows:
- Burgenland (2000 - 2014)
- Carinthia (2000 - 2013)
- Lower Austria (1972 - 2014)
- Upper Austria (1947 - 2014)
- Salzburg (2001 - 2014)
- Styria (1974 - 2013)
- Tyrol (1995 - 2013)
- Vorarlberg (1946 - 2014)
Verordnungsblätter authentisch (= Authentic Law Gazettes of provincial administrative authorities)
This database contains legally binding promulgated law gazettes of provincial administrative authorities (since January 1st 2022, Tyrol). Included are decrees (by the provincial governor,
the provincial government, the provincial office or by any other provincial authority), which are not promulgated in its authentic state Law Gazette and are not decrees of district administrative authorities.
Landesgesetzblatt für Wien (= State Law Gazettes of Vienna)
- This link points to the Vienna City Administration website which offers the State Law Gazettes till 2013.
Landesgesetzblatt für das Burgenland 1922 - 2000 (= State Law Gazettes of Burgenland 1922 - 2000)
- This link points to the Austrian National Library website which offers the State Law Gazettes of Burgenland from 1922 to 2000.
Landesgesetzblatt für Kärnten 1850 - 1999 (= State Law Gazettes of Carinthia 1850 - 1999)
- This link points to the Austrian National Library website which offers the State Law Gazettes of Carinthia from 1850 to 1999.
Landesgesetzblatt für Niederösterreich 1848 - 1971 (= State Law Gazettes of Lower Austria 1848 - 1971)
- This link points to the Austrian National Library website which offers the State Law Gazettes of Lower Austria from 1848 to 1971.
Landesgesetzblatt für Oberösterreich 1849 - 1995 (= State Law Gazettes of Upper Austria 1849 - 1995)
- This link points to the Austrian National Library website which offers the State Law Gazettes of Upper Austria from 1849 to 1995.
Landesgesetzblatt für Salzburg 1850 - 2000 (= State Law Gazettes of Salzburg 1850 - 2000)
- This link points to the Austrian National Library website which offers the State Law Gazettes of Salzburg from 1850 to 2000.
Landesgesetzblatt für die Steiermark 1850 - 2001 (= State Law Gazettes of Styria 1850 - 2001)
- This link points to the Austrian National Library website which offers the State Law Gazettes of Styria from 1850 to 2001.
Landesgesetzblatt für Tirol 1848 - 1994 (= State Law Gazettes of Tyrol 1848 - 1994)
- This link points to the Austrian National Library website which offers the State Law Gazettes of Tyrol from 1848 to 1994.
Landesgesetzblatt für Vorarlberg 1848 - 1985 (= State Law Gazettes of Vorarlberg 1848 - 1985)
- This link points to the Austrian National Library website which offers the State Law Gazettes of Vorarlberg from 1848 to 1985.
Landesgesetzblatt für Wien 1920 - 2011 (= State Law Gazettes of Vienna 1920 - 2011)
- This link points to the Austrian National Library website which offers the State Law Gazettes of Vienna from 1920 to 2011.
Category „Bezirke“ (= Announcements of district administrative authorities)
This database contains announcements of some district administrative authorities.
Category „Gemeinden“ (= Municipal Law)
This database contains the law of some Austrian municipalities. Since July 1, 2023, the ordinances of the Vorarlberg municipalities and municipal associations have been announced in the RIS application "Gemeinderecht authentisch" (= Authentic Municipal Law) in a legally binding manner.
Category „Judikatur“ (= Judicature of the courts)
Verfassungsgerichtshof (= Constitutional Court)
- This database contains the judicature of the Constitutional Court (nearly all rulings since 1980).
Verwaltungsgerichtshof (= Supreme Administrative Court)
This database covers the judicature of the Supreme Administrative Court and comprises nearly all its decisions since 1990.
Substantial rulings from previous years are also available.
Normenliste des VwGH (= The „norm list“ of the Supreme Administrative Court)
This list of standardized, synonymous quotations of regulations is edited by the Supreme Administrative Court and is an index of admissible norm specifications in the form of abbreviations
(by letter or short titles) for the judicature documentation of the Supreme Administrative Court. The abbreviations of state laws and EU regulations are also included.
Justiz (= Judicature of the Supreme Court, Regional Appeal Courts and other courts)
- This database covers the judicature of the Supreme Court and other courts and comprises the decisions of civil and criminal law.
Bundesverwaltungsgericht (= Federal Administrative Court)
- This database contains the judicature of the Federal Administrative Court as of 2014.
Landesverwaltungsgerichte (= State Administrative Courts)
- This database contains the judicature of the nine State Administrative Courts as of 2014.
Kundmachungen der Bezirksverwaltungsbehörden (= Regulations of District Administrative Authorities)
- This database contains announcements and regulations of district administrative authoritites as of 2021.
Unabhängige Verwaltungssenate (= Independent Administrative Tribunals)
- This database contains the judicature of the nine Independent Administrative Tribunals (selected rulings from 1991 to 2013).
Unabhängiger Finanzsenat (= Independent Finance Tribunal)
- This link points to the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance website which offers the judicature of the Independent Finance Tribunal until 2013.
Bundesfinanzgericht (= Federal Finance Court)
- This link points to the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance website which contains the judicature of the Federal Finance Court (as of 2014).
Asylgerichtshof (= Court of Asylum)
- This database contains the judicature of the Court of Asylum (selected rulings from July 2008 to 2013).
Unabhängiger Bundesasylsenat (= Independent Federal Asylum Board)
- This database contains the judicature of the Independent Federal Asylum Board (selected rulings from 1998 to June 2008).
Umweltsenat (= Environmental Tribunal)
- This database contains selected judicature of the Environmental Tribunal from 1994 to 2013.
Bundeskommunikationssenat (= Federal Communications Board)
- This database contains rulings of the Federal Communications Board (selected rulings from 2001 to 2013).
Vergabekontrollbehörden (= Procurement Review Authorities)
- This database contains the rulings of the Federal Public Procurement Review Authority, the Federal Public Procurement Arbitration Body and the Procurement Review Authorities of Salzburg and Vienna
(selected rulings until 2013).
Bundesdisziplinarbehörde, Disziplinarkommissionen (= Federal Disciplinary Authority, Disciplinary Commissions)
- This database contains selected judicature on disciplinary matters and matters pertaining to employee transfers in the federal public service. You can search for decisions of the Federal Disciplinary Authority, Disciplinary Commissions and of the Supreme Disciplinary Commission (till 2013) and of the Appeals Tribunal (till 2013).
Datenschutzbehörde, vor 2014: Datenschutzkommission (= Data Protection Authority, before 2014 Data Protection Commission)
- This database contains the rulings of the Data Protection Commission from 2000 to 2013. As of 2014 the rulings of the Data Protection Authority are published as well.
Personalvertretungsaufsichtsbehörde, vor 2014: Personalvertretungs-Aufsichtskommission (= Supervisory Authority for Employees' Representation, before 2014 Supervisory Tribunal for Employees' Representation)
- This database contains the judicature of the Supervisory Tribunal for Employees' Representation up to 2013. As of 2014 you can find the rulings of the Supervisory Authority for Employees' Representation.
Gleichbehandlungskommissionen ab 2014 (= Equal Treatment Commissions since 2014)
- This database contains the decisions of the Equal Treatment Commissions since 2014.
Entscheidungen des unabhängigen Parteien-Transparenz-Senats (= Independent Party Transparency Board)
- This database contains the decisions of the Independent Party Transparency Board.
Entscheidungen des Obersten Gerichts- und Cassationshofes in Civil- und Strafsachen (in der Beilage zum Verordnungsblatt des Justizministeriums) 1885 - 1898 (= Decisions of the Supreme Court 1885 – 1898)
- This link points to the Austrian National Library website which offers the decisions of the Supreme Court from 1885 to 1898.
Sammlung der Erkenntnisse des österr. Reichsgerichts 1869 - 1918 (= Collection of the decisions of the Austrian Imperial Court 1869 – 1918)
- This link points to the Austrian National Library website which offers a collection of the decisions of the Austrian Imperial Court from 1869 to 1918.
Sammlung der Erkenntnisse des österr. Verfassungsgerichtshofes 1919 - 1979 (= Collection of the decisions of the Austrian Constitutional Court 1919 - 1979)
- This link points to the Austrian National Library website which offers a collection of the decisions of the Austrian Constitutional Court from 1919 to 1979.
Sammlung der Erkenntnisse des österr. Verwaltungsgerichtshofes 1876 - 1934 (= Collection of the decisions of the Austrian Administrative Court 1876 - 1934)
This link points to the Austrian National Library website which offers a collection of the decisions of the Austrian Administrative Court from 1876 to 1934.
Category „Kundmachungen, Erlässe“ (= Other announcements, decrees)
Qualifikationen gemäß Gewerbeordnung und HBB-Gesetz (= Regulations for Master Craftsmen and Professional Competence Exams based on Trade Act and validation and examination regulations for qualifications in accordance with the Federal Act on Higher Vocational Education and Training (HBB Act))
- Here you will find the master craftsman and qualification examination regulations in accordance with the 1994 Trade Regulation Act (GewO 1994). Additionally you can access the validation and examination regulations for qualifications in accordance with the Federal Act on Higher Vocational Education and Training (HBB Act) with the qualification titles "Extended Professional Qualification", "Professional Diploma" and "Advanced Professional Diploma".
Amtliche Verlautbarungen der Sozialversicherung - authentisch ab 2002 (= Statutory Provisions of the Social Security Institutions)
Here you will find the statutory provisions of the Social Security Institutions and the Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions in accordance with article 31 par. 8, 9 and 9a ASVG (General Social Insurance Act) and other applicable laws and regulations.
Since 1 January 2002 the electronic version announced here is the authentic one. It should be noted that only the signed version is legally binding. Proclamations of the Insurance Institution for Austrian Notaries are still published
in the official gazette of the „Wiener Zeitung“ or in the „Österreichische Notariatszeitung“.
Proclamations from the period before 2002 are also available electronically: The journal „Soziale Sicherheit“ - SozSi, in which these proclamations have been published,
is completely available on the website of the Austrian National Library at
Proclamations before 2002 are usually no longer applicable (only to situations which have occurred before 2006): In accordance with article 593 par. 3 ASVG these proclamations expired on 31 December 2005, unless they were reannounced.
For this purpose the proclamations avsv no. 193/2005 and no. 46/2006 were issued.
Furthermore, the general contracts of Social Insurance in accordance with articles 338 par. 1, 348 par. 1, 645 par. 3 and 675 par. 2 ASVG are published here.
Strukturpläne Gesundheit (ÖSG, RSG)(= Austrian Plan for Health Care Infrastructure, Regional Plans for Health Care Infrastructure)
- This database contains the Austrian Plan for Health Care Infrastructure (= ÖSG) and the Regional Plans for Health Care Infrastructure (= RSG). Furthermore you can find regulations on the Austrian Plan for Health Care Infrastructure and the Regional Plans for Health Care Infrastructure.
Amtliche Veterinärnachrichten (AVN) ab 15.09.2004 (= Official Veterinary Bulletins)
- This database contains the „Amtliche Veterinärnachrichten“ (= Official Veterinary Bulletins) of the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection.
Kundmachungen der Gerichte (= Court announcements)
- This database contains the „Kundmachungen der Gerichte“ (= Court announcements) of some Austrian Courts.
Ministerratsprotokolle (= Records of the Council of Ministers)
- This database contains the records of the Council of Ministers.
Erlässe der Bundesministerien (= Decrees of the Federal Ministries)
- This database contains selected decrees (instruction edicts) of Austrian ministries.
Richtlinien und Erlässe des Bundesministeriums für Finanzen (= Decrees of the Federal Ministry of Finance)
- This link points to the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance website which offers their decrees.
Erlässe des Sozialministeriums in Sozialversicherungssachen (extern) (= Decrees of the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs in social security matters)
- This link points to the documentation of the Austrian social security legislation where you can find e.g. the decrees of the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs in social security matters.
Gesamtabfrage (= general search)
You can find search terms in all or selected RIS-applications.
Übersicht (= site map)
You can find a list of the RIS content.
For further information about the system, please use the search manuals (in German).
For inquiries, please contact:
Federal Chancellery of Austria, Vienna